Presenting: brassy!


It’s here! I’m so incredibly excited to announce that is finally up! This has been a huge undertaking filled with self-doubt, powerful women, and sleepless nights, but I am so insanely proud of all of it.

I started my personal brassy project three years ago and I feel like this iteration is the natural progression of that self-work and exploration. Graduation is in three days but my hope is for this project to live on beyond my masters, and to continue to be a platform for women to share their experiences, ask questions, and be remarkable humans.

In 2019 I’ll be putting out a workbook and some swag, I already know of some new content I’ll be adding, and I hope new folks can start to contribute to this community. (Check back for a submission form if you want to be considered in the future!)

I am beyond thankful to all of my amazing contributors ( and could not have made this happen without their amazing work. I’m also so thankful for my classmates at MCAD (2015 to now), my instructors, and the community of creators I have found to support all the work that I do. And finally, I’m so unreasonably blessed to have friends and family that supported me even when I wasn’t always there for them, that made sure I ate food and slept once in awhile, and who loved me even when I was being a monster human. You all are the best parts of my life and I love you to the moon and back.

Do me a favor and give a follow on Instagram and then hop on over to the site and take a walk around. I hope you find the perspectives compelling and beautiful—I know I do.

Ugh, I’m feeling the love today, friends. 💕