Making things move

The more I learn about design, my own personal aesthetic, and the never-ending amount of software magic in the world, the more I'm convinced I've chosen the right career. I feel like I'm just scratching the surface of these explorations and every day I'm excited by the prospect of what new project will be around the corner.

This semester is a perfect example of that. Every Saturday from 9am – 3pm I find myself locked in a room on campus, sitting in front of a computer, learning yet another beast of a program from Adobe. This time it's After Effects and I feel like a fish out of water. Actually, like a fish out of water and in a frying pan.

I had no idea what to expect when I registered for Motion Graphics, but guys, I think I'm in love. Yes, it's frustrating, time-consuming, and mind-numbing at times, but I find myself laughing out loud at accidental animations more often than not, and that can't be all bad, right? Perhaps the best part about this experience is the fact that I've been forced to explore whole new levels of design: positioning and designing paths for objects, timed storytelling, and audio just to name a few. I'm also digging into illustration and collage for the first time in a long while—bringing tangible art-making back to an oft solitary digital world. Of course I'm struggling with execution and am constantly reminded of my own limitations, but with each little short I make I feel like I'm making fun, awkward progress. Learning is so cool.

tl;dr Motion graphics and animation is hard as hell but I'm having a blast.

So here's are my first six projects. They're not perfect, but I like them. I hope you enjoy them too.

Week 1


Week 2


Week 3


Week 4


Week 5


Week 6


UDPATE: Here are the rest of my videos from this semester. Enjoy!

Week 7/8




Final Reel