


Changing Expectations:
Conference Identity

Client: Association of Midwest Museums
Team: Maren Nelson: Creative Direction, Design
Scope: Event identity, social media, additional digital assets, printed program
Neue Helvetica by Linotype

The 2019 Association of Midwest Museums Conference in partnership with the Michigan Museum Association, tackled the complex realities of museums today. In cracking open the traditional museum, this brand takes on ideas of change, pushing and pulling, friction, and community. The imagery of a traditional museum being split apart makes space for new ideas, technology, voices, and conversations.




Concept & Use

This project uses collage elements to depict the many ways museums are pulled and pushed by societal changes and community needs. Rather than having them swallow up the museum, these new ideas and agents of change come out of the foundations of what museums have already built. While meant to be primarily celebratory, this concept also tells a story of complexity and is more explicit with the subject matter.

Collage elements are combined with hand drawn texture to reflect the frenetic energy and chaos of change. At times, these lines can act as string, tying pieces together and providing connection despite differences. Grounding elements such as strong lines, bounding boxes, and color blocking bring order to chaos.
